Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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631 lines
SC1MAP.TXT for SC1MAP Version 0.92 beta (Easter 1993)
What do you need?
- MS-DOS or PC-DOS operating system version 3.3 or later,
try to use 5.0 though
- Personal computer using 80286 or higher processor
- 286 CPU with co-processor or 386 CPU recommended
- 640K memory (try to have at least 600K free)
- HD
- EGA (EGA requires 256K display memory) or VGA graphics
- Microsoft Flight Simulator version 4.0
- Microsoft Aircraft and Scenery Designer
What does SC1MAP do?
Or better... what it is supposed to do:
- graphic display of sceneries and their names/boundaries so you
can sort out which areas are covered
- display of their contents such as NAV-aids, runways, polygons
and other creatures found in the average SC1-file (including
some SEE enhanced ones)
- measurement of distances/headings
- modification of scenery boundaries and their center, deletion
of obsolete sceneries
- creation of lables to comment and emphasize sceneries, as well
as to document the SC1-file (author, version etc.) in .LBL files
- mode file creation according to your position on the map
- modification of (some) parameters in your MOD files and
plane selection
- scenery search
- communication with FS4 via serial cable
- output to EPSON/IBM or Hewlett Packard compatible printers,
PostScript output to PostScript enabled printers, HPGL output to
plotters or PCL5 compatible HP printers
- output to DXF-files (readable by AutoCad, Intergraph etc.),
layers included now
- report generation (runways, nav-aids)
- list of SC1-files in a given directory
- mouse support
- window zoom, left click/right click zoom
What can I say that might help you before SC1MAP.DOC is finished?
As I have stated in the beginning of the document, this version is
just a simple test. It is aimed at the FS4 user community that is
interested in beta-testing SC1MAP.
Due to this circumstance, I have not bothered writing a real DOC-
file ... YET. In order to let you meet the basic functions of
SC1MAP, here are some hints:
Starting up
Just create an SC1MAP directory anywhere you want (try to use the
Unpack SC1MAP.ZIP and look what is in your directory:
SC1MAP.ZIP obviously, if you have put it there (get rid of it)
SC1MAP.TXT this essay
SC1MAP.HLP help file used by SC1MAP
EUR.MAP Europe outline
USA.MAP North America outline
GB.MAP UK outline
NL.MAP Alting scenery (NL) outline
NO.MAP No outline (use command line option MAP=NO)
EUR.LBL Europe lable file
USA.LBL FS default scenery lable file
SAMPLE.BAT a SAMPLE BATch file you (could) start SC1MAP
SC1MAP.MOD is created if you select [M]ODE [S]AVE
SC1MAP.INI is created if you select [E]XIT [S]AVE
Modify the batch file according to your needs (read the next point
first) and start it.
Command line
You can copy SC1MAP into every FS4 directory you own, if you
really have to. SC1MAP can also be started directly without any
options, but I would advise you to use the ram-disk option (RD=)
if you want to speed up the display of polygons for instance.
You can have a list of the command line and environment options by
typing <SC1MAP /?> at the dos prompt.
To print the list just type ... SC1MAP /? > PRN
You might say ... "so what?", but there is a hidden meaning in
these options, you can create batch files:
An example can be found in SAMPLE.BAT ...
call sc1map %1 SD=c:\FSUSA RD=D map=usa
This means that SC1MAP searches for your files in the directory
C:\FSUSA, uses the ramdisk D: and loads the outline, nav-aids and
cant of the USA for display. The "%1" is used when you want to
view one or a certain group of sceneries by using wildcards.
You then can type:
to check the myriads of Chicago files in your directory.
Using batch files, you can access all your SC1-directories such as
\USA, \EUROPE, \TEST, \DOWNLOAD etc. This avoids unnecessary
"vertical" installations, which I doubt have any sense for FS4.
Environment variables SET XXX=
You will also find the environment options quite useful:
tells SC1MAP (when loaded) that it can find the needed files (HLP,
MAP) in the directory C:\SC1MAP. You could create a path entry to
C:\SC1MAP and then start SC1MAP anywhere you want (e.g. from the
The following commands are supported:
Printing with SC1MAP
Well, some time ago I was quite fond of my "mastering" the
hardcopy for EPSON/IBM compatible printers... but.
Hewlett Packard enthusiasts nearly killed me because I didn't
support their standard... Well now it's done, and that damn PCL3
was sure bothering me. If you start SC1MAP with the +HP option, a
magic function inside SC1MAP will send the hardcopy to the printer
in PCL compatible commands.
If your printer is compatible to PCL4/5 (HPGL emulation) then you
should use the option +HP +HPGL (sic).
The resolution is higher and the output resembles the one I create
with PostScript. If you are the owner of a Laserjet 4M (the one I
test things on) then you can start SC1MAP with:
SC1MAP +hp +hpgl +ps
Meaning that HP commands are used for the hardcopy, PostScript and
HPGL are sent to the printer (if you omit these options, output
will only go to the file, this is a security switch for curious
users without a PostScript compatible printer ... as EPS and HPGL
files are in ASCII and tend to be quite long).
It's also possible to print a list of your SC1-files (sorted by
name, position or unsorted), as well as to generate a report of
each. These files may be included with scenery sets you
General curiosities
The menus in the program, if you want to use them, can be accessed
the simple way... by pressing the key in brackets ([]), and the
hard way using ALT-followed by the key.
If this hasn't been clear, then practice accessing the [D]ISPLAY
"D" or "ALT" and then "D"
Once the menu has successfully covered part of the scenery, you
can press the key in brackets to activate an option that
challenges your curiosity.
For example you can have fun slowing down your computer by
activating the polygons, press "P".
Some words about these things:
The active scenery is displayed with a green circle and its name,
size and radius can be found in the second line of the header.
When a given scenery has been activated for the first time, its
NAV-aids and runways are read from the SC1-file and loaded into
memory. This will be done at any zoom factor.
Scenery objects such as nav-aids, polygons, lines etc. are drawn
at a zoom factor smaller than 10%.
To bypass this limitation, activate "DETAIL" in the "DISPLAY"
menu. All active objects in the "DISPLAY" menu will be drawn at
any zoom factor now.
Polygons, rivers, roads, lines and mountains (if activated in the
display menu) are read from the SC1-file, which may take some
time, and are loaded into memory (either zoom < 10% or DETAIL ON)
for faster display.
To select SC1 files in a certain area select the "SCENERY"/"AREA"-
option. You will be asked to define a window (mouse). SC1MAP will
then load only the SC1-files inside this area. This may be
repeated as often as you want. To re-load all SC1-files, select
Some users have asked for the possibility to view/print several
SC1-files at the same time. For this option, select "SCENERY",
"SHOW ALL". All selected objects in the SC1-files in view (scenery
centre inside the four corners of the screen) will be drawn.
Please note that it may take a while (understatement) to draw all
scenery contents at a zoom of 100% when "DETAIL" and all
"DISPLAY"-options are active.
To save a given display configuration, select "SAVE" in the
"EXIT/SAVE" menu.
Every menu has its own help text, activate it and press "H". If
you are not inside a menu, pressing "H" unchains the general help
screen. (For this you have to unpack SC1MAP.HLP too).
Yellow items in a menu are functions.
White/Black ones are toggle-settings.
Gray ones are not yet available (such as HPGL in the output menu).
SC1 modification
Some very beautiful scenery files have flaws which are quite
difficult to be recognized by the designer (ther person, not the
program). Either they are not well centered, the overlap disturbs
the transition to a neighbouring scenery, or the radius is too
SC1MAP will help you to take care of these things. In the SCENERY
menu there are options which allow graphic radius modification and
re-centering. It's also possible to delete files which you don't
like or which are out of date.
Soon a graphic scenery editor will be available which goes much
further than that.
About Mode files and their modification
One thing I hate about FS4 are the .MOD files. They are useful but
also annoying, especially when you have too many of them.
SC1MAP can create mode files for you, so you don't need to have
the directory full of stuff you will never use.
Once in SC1MAP, having zoomed on an airport or anywhere else, you
can go to the [M]ODE menu. Here you either just press [S]AVE or
you modify the settings of the mode such as the altitude, the
plane a.s.o. This feature will be enhanced some day...
For the moment you are able to modify altitude, heading, in
flight/ground setting, plane (which can be viewed first).
You can now exit SC1MAP ... start FS4 (whereever it may be) ... et
voilá, monsieur ees in the selected location.
It also works the other way 'round. Save a mode, any mode, and
load SC1MAP using the mod= command line option. Just guess what
Label files
One thing that often bugged me, that I always had to read the
.DOCs found together with SC1-files.
Hope these times are over and that some scenery designers pick up
this habit:
Select a scenery inside SC1MAP and go to the [S]CENERY-menu and
select [M]AKE LABEL.
You will be prompted to enter a label (any kind of text), and
subsequently a position on the map.
Once you have done this, SC1MAP generates a .LBL file:
SCENERY: MILANO - I Milano - SIZE: 4598 bytes RADIUS: 161 KM
@ N 15876.2225 E 16132.8094 = MILAN (MILANO)
@ N 15868.4293 E 16181.2478 = LINATE
@ N 15949.8835 E 16019.7346 = MALPENSA (HALF MADE)
This is a completely readable and editable ASCII file which stores
the labels generated by SC1MAP. Obviously, for the moment, you
will have to use your editor to fill in information such as the
version etc.
You can also do it the other way round! Just take any .DOC file
you have snoring around on your harddisk.
Use the <@>, <N>, <E> and <=> characters to let SC1MAP figure out
what is found where. The line should start with the at-sign (@), N
and E may be swapped (I won't disclose their meaning), the label
must be preceded by a "=".
Some .LBL files are included (US and Europe), who can be enhanced
with your own inputs.
I encourage the exchange of .LBL-files (single or included within
a SC1 collection).
Any comments concerning the format and possible enhancements of
LBL-files are welcome.
Communication with FS4
Hello rich guys! You have two PCs? Ok, get a null modem cable and
connect the 486 to the Pention using a golden null-modem cable
(surprisingly, a 286 will do fine; the golden cable is mandatory).
Once you have agreed with FS4 about your baudrate and figured out
which is COM1 (or 2) on your computer, just activate the data
exchange ([O]NLINE) and observe the (green) plane in SC1MAP if you
must (a famous ATC program is politely invited to eat its heart
out, if it works in mine).
To top all ridiculous and unneccessary functions in this program,
you can also exchange messages with a FS4 by using the [S]END
Some options like FOLLOW and FIND SERIAL have been included...
As I have mentioned before, SC1MAP is a TEST! I have the intention
to make it as bug-free, correct and useful as possible, so take
some time to play around with it and let me know if you want.
I will try to spread the newest version as far as my possibilities
let me do it, and I invite "spreaders" to do their job.
I would like to thank so many people, that even mentioning one of
them whilst forgetting the other would be a crime, so I don't.
Everyone who knows that I am grateful to... please feel thanked.
Moreover, this file would be lengthened by several kilobytes
The "ancestors" of this program have been tested throughout Europe
by eccelent members of the FSFan Net, leading SC1 artists, very
capable FS4-pilots and last not least patient BBS sysops. All
adjectives may be mixed according to your own wishes.
Last, not least, thanks to the developers of FS4 and FS4 related
products who have really done a great job to take the time and
money creating and enhancing such a fabulous program.
As this (unfabulous) program is still in its testing phase, some
problems will still arise. I suppose that they will be gone in
about two month's time, the hour of the release of SC1MAP V1.0.
Though this program is still "TestWare", it is supposed to be some
kind of ShareWare. SC1MAP was not conceived out of the urge to
earn money, but simply to satisfy some of my personal needs
concerning the documentation and managing of SC1 files. As it
seems that I share this problem with many other people, I decided
to spread this stuff.
Nevertheless, all kinds of contributions to compensate the extreme
amounts of cigarettes and coffee consumed are welcome.
Those who take the extreme decision and send 25 US$ to the address
below (around April '93) will receive SC1MAP V1.0 together with a
written documentation (I'll do my best to make it better than the
one mailed in a program I do not dare to mention at this point.)
Those who want to spend their money on more interesting things can
download the same program in their favourite BBS. And I'm also
happy about any letter that reaches me without means of payment.
Independently of your "contributions", I will be glad to support
you to my best, bug reports and suggested enhancements are
essential for the improvement of this program.
The sale of this program is theivery and will be treated as such.
Ah, before I forget it... all mentioned trademarks and copyrights
are property of their respective owners.
Where can you get hold of me?
For people who like to write letters, send faxes or others who
have huge telephone budgets:
Enrico Schiratti - Kölner Str. 198a - D-4150 Krefeld - Germany
Tel. +49-2151-396234 (Office hours, GMT+1) Fax +49-2151-311247
You can also reach me via:
- AIRBORNE, Germany, +49-2324-84384
- AIRTEL, UK, +44-342-714900
- COMPUSERVE, 100137,457
- TGD, Germany, +49-6131-582639
- FSFAN, Holland, +31-20-6958426
- NADESHDA, Germany, +49-211-212494
- SAM-LINK, Italy, +39-6-426128/423322
In: FSForum, FSFanNet, FlyNet.
One last remark for chronic downloaders who have reached this
point in the document:
Hey! It's really great that you find all these interesting files
on CIS or your local BBS which are just waiting and longing to be
But don't you think that you could make that ultimative download
and get yourself an offline mail reader? I think that the Flight
Simulator community throughout the world could and would profit
from your written contributions. It's really great that some
people take the time to exchange informations, tips and hints and
lots of nonsense about FS5, so why don't you join us? Just check
in the MESSAGE areas as well! If you do not know how to achieve
this, which is quite possible, ask your local sysop, sure he'll be
glad to help.